Wow, Redsfest was a great time, and now, a little sore of feet, we're heading home. I've got about 200 photos to go through and at least two more audio files to share, so we'll be working on that in the coming days.
Stay tuned, and think happy thoughts about good traffic for us.
I grabbed a couple of minutes of Bubba Crosby's time to ask some inane questions, because I knew you guys would want it that way. He didn't smile much, and that made me a little nervous, but I still think that it came out OK.
Joel did me the service of securing our new podcast intro. Thanks, Joel!
The Reds took their opportunity at Redsfest to unveil plans to build the Cincinnati Bell Riverboat Deck and Technology Pavilion above the batter's eye. This model was on display for Redsfesters to check out.