Way Not to Use Your Pitching Hand

Reds pitcher Michael Gosling impresses a Detroit Tigers scout.
AP Photo/Al Behrman. Via Yahoo! Sports.
Reds pitcher Michael Gosling impresses a Detroit Tigers scout.
AP Photo/Al Behrman. Via Yahoo! Sports.
Reds manager Jerry Narron shows off his mad juggling skills.
AP Photo/Al Behrman. Via Yahoo! Sports.
The numbers back it up. The man has had 8 full big league seasons and only twice posted a losing record. We need to get off his back.. perhaps being an ace of a terrible staff was too much of a burden (2005) but as a #3 he is very solid and as long as he is healthy we are above-average at that slot. I am rooting for him big-time. In fact when I attended a game in 2005 I was shouting encouragement to him and he pitched a shutout for several innings. We need to get behind this guy and believe in him, he has the talent and the potential to be the difference maker this season.