24 Days till Blog Jog 2011
We’ve been training for over a week now, and though I’ve had to use my inhaler the last two nights (boo!) I can run for three minutes straight now (woo!)

It’s hard for me to believe that in just over three weeks I’m planning to run the entirety of 3.1 miles, but the progress we’ve made in the first three weeks has surpassed my expectations, so here’s hoping. I’d prefer not to be crying and vomiting at the fun Blog Jog events after the Redlegs Run.
If the idea of hanging around with me and other bloggers who aren’t crying and vomiting sounds like fun to you, you can join in too, and you don’t even have to jog if you don’t want to. Just log on to http://reds.com/5k to sign up for the Redlegs Run, then email blogjog@reds.com to RSVP to the Blog Jog proper. You have to pay to be in the run, but you don’t have to pay any extra to chill with the bloggers.